Our Role-Play Workshops
Our Role-Play workshops are coming very soon!
A Role-Play learning resource for hospitals & cancer patient support groups.
Participants will learn communication strategies & cancer patients will learn about the type of comments that they may receive after diagnosis.
Our Role-Play workshop kits give cancer patients a voice to discuss how they have or will deal with communication challenges from friends during their treatments.
Your patients/clients don't need any experience of acting! They simply need to read their character out aloud, listen to the songs and discuss what they have learnt!
What will you get in our Role-Play Workshop Kit?
When you license a Role-Play Workshop kit, you will receive:
A license agreement as to how many times you can use the role-play kit per year
Group Kits containing script booklets and soundtrack
Link to view a special Thank You video from CEO Australian Cancer Research Foundation
Link to view short video's of background to The Silk Rags Project
Link and print/copy license for 'Not Sure What to Say & Do?' handout and Self Analysis form
Frequently asked questions
How does it work?
Each participant is allocated a character and reads aloud from the script. A song from the soundtrack is played between the scenes. It is the journey of four friends, relationships and a cancer diagnosis. Both funny and reflective, this is a reading and listening experience which is a discussion starter for cancer patients, their support people and the broader community. At the end of the listening & reading experience, participants are encourage to complete a short self analysis form which is returned to 'The Silk Rags Project' for further funding & marketing opportunities. Participants are then encouraged to share their learnings via a short informal discussion together and take away the 'Not Sure What to Say & Do?' - a handout developed with Griffith University & Australian Cancer Research Foundation.
What type of play is it?
A comedy/satire. It is the journey of four friends, relationships and a cancer diagnosis. Both funny and reflective, this is a reading and listening experience which is a discussion starter for cancer patients, their support people and the broader community.
How long should I allow?
The actual reading and listening experience takes approx. 1hr 30 mins. Allow a further 15-30 mins for a group discussion (if they so wish).
What do I need to provide?
A laptop or tablet and internet connection to view a special welcome and thank you from the CEO of The Australian Cancer Research Foundation. ​ A CD player or digital playing device to play the soundtrack in between the scenes - speakers may be needed depending on your audio player. ​ A black balloon and a pin! Or a pillow (ideally with black cover). ​ Pens/pencils to take notes and complete the self analysis questionnaire at the end.
Is it a sad story?
No character dies in this script. However, it is about how a group of friends react when one of them receives a cancer diagnosis. It's both funny and sad but this event is designed for participants to learn about communication techniques should an event like this happen in their lives. If one of your participants has experienced or is experiencing cancer, you are advised to discuss this with them. You may wish to give them a copy of the script before the event so that they can decide if they wish to participate or not. Our experience with such participants is that The Silk Rags Project gave them a voice and an opportunity to confirm how and when they needed help.
How many participants do I need?
A minimum of 6 participants are required to host this event. Each participant reads out a character and are encouraged to give their character an accent or ham it up a bit! Pretend you are on the radio and strut your stuff! Additional participants can just watch & listen or you can give them additional copies of the script booklets to read along to - it depends on your license as to how many you will need to purchase.
The Characters
The Host/"Narrator"
This will be the Host of the event. The Narrator reads out the Stage Directions contained in the script and plays the songs in-between the scenes. This role enables the other participants to concentrate on their parts and also provides a centralisation of the story.
"Two" is a magnet for unhealthy relationships. Her husband, Garry, suppresses her.
Due to all the hurts in her life, she is extraordinarily pessimistic and on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
"Four" is overbearing, controlling and avoids doing anything that she deems too difficult. As a result, her husband, Laurie, is brow beaten, but her children are undisciplined. She cannot understand why the others complain about their problems while no one listens to hers. She believes her financial, emotional and physical problems are worse that those of her friends and acquaintances, and she is always unhappy because of it.
'One" has been recently diagnosed with cancer. She has children and the love of a devoted husband. Prior to cancer she was the glue that kept her friends and family together. Even when her friends are frustrating, she shows them the compassion that they seem to lack.
is desperate for a baby. To achieve her ends, she is constantly visiting alternative doctors and trying all the latest fads. She quit her job years ago when she and her husband, Mark, first tried to get pregnant. Now, she works from home to help support her health habits. She is always trying to fix everyone else.
"Man" (doesn't have to be a male participant)
"Man" is the adoring husband of ONE. He loves his wife. He is her strength and her support. He constantly maintains his composure for her benefit.
Know where your money is going
38% of our proceeds are donated to Australian Cancer Research Foundation
This means for every $50 spent - we will donate $19.03 directly to cancer research.